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MSCC UAE - Priest in Charge

Fr. Mathew Kandathil

Malankara Catholic Chaplain, U.A.E.Saint Francis Of Assissi Catholic Church


Jebel Ali, P.O.Box 72715, Dubai, UAE.Off. Tel. 04-8845251, Fax 04-8845216Mob. 00971507251108,Email:,   

Fr. Mathew Kandathil was born on 10 April 1959 in Idukki district, Kerala, India. He did his minor seminary at Infant Mary's Minor Seminary, Tiruvalla, philosophy and theology at Papal Seminary Pune, Maharastra. He was ordained on 16 April 1986 and belongs to the Diocese of Bathery of the Syro Malankara Catholic Major Archiepiscopal Church. After his ordination, he served the Diocese of Bathery in various capacities, as the youth director, the family apostolate director, the corporate manager of the schools / colleges and the parish priest. He has served in the Gulf countries for two years. Before he joined in UAE, he has been serving the Diocese of Bathery as the procurator. He came to UAE on 16 June 2011 to serve as the Chaplain to the Syro Malankara catholics in the United Arab Emirates in the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia, and staying at St. Francis of Assisi parish, Jebel Ali. We, the malankarites in UAE,  offers thanks and prayers to God and church leaders for his assignment as our spiritual father.


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